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tamoadmin 2024-05-28






Australian rules football

Australian rules football, officially known as Australian football,also called football, footy or Aussie rules (and in some regions called—erroneously—AFL, after the Australian Football League, the only fully professional Australian rules football league) is a sport played between two teams of 22 players (18 on the field, and four interchanges) on either an Australian rules football ground, a modified cricket field or another modified sports venue.

The objective of the game is to score points by passing the ball through the opponent's goal. The main way to score points is by kicking the ball between the two major goal posts. The team with the higher total score at the end of the match wins unless either a draw is declared or a tie-break is used.

During most play, players may position themselves anywhere on the field and use any part of their body to move the ball. The primary methods are kicking, handballing and running with the ball. There are rules on how the ball can be handled: for example, players running with the ball must intermittently bounce or touch it on the ground. Throwing the ball is not allowed and players must not get caught holding the ball. Possession of the ball is in dispute at all times except when a free kick is paid. A distinctive feature of the game is the mark, where players anywhere on the field who catch a ball from a kick (with specific conditions), are awarded a free kick. Australian rules is a contact sport, in which players can tackle using their hands or use their whole body to obstruct opponents. Dangerous physical contact (such as pushing an opponent in the back), interference when marking and deliberately slowing the play are discouraged with free kicks, distance penalties or suspension, depending on the seriousness of the infringement. Frequent physical contests, spectacular marking, fast movement of both players and the ball and high scoring are the game's main attributes.

Details of the game's origins in Australia are obscure and still the subject of much debate. Australian rules football became organised in Melbourne in May 1859, when the first laws of the game were published by the Melbourne Football Club.

Australian football is a major participation and spectator sport in Australia. The sport is also played at amateur level in several countries and in several variations.

The most prestigious competition is the Australian Football League (AFL), which culminates in the annual AFL Grand Final—currently the highest attended club championship event in the world. Australian football is governed by the AFL Commission, which also runs the AFL competition, and the rules of the game are decided by the AFL's Laws of the Game Committee.


澳式橄榄球一场比赛有四局。每局为20分钟,但如足球一样裁判可延长比赛的时间。每场球赛有七位裁判。 球门有四根球杆,踢进中间两根杆之间的可得六分,踢进旁边两根杆之间的得一分。球员把球踢进杆前必须直接进杆,球不能碰击自己的队员。






(American Football)。英式橄榄球(Rugby football)和澳大利亚橄榄球(Australian rules football)不穿戴防护装备。






美国的橄榄球运动起源于英国的橄榄球赛,和一般的足球运动,也就是英式足球截然不同。秋天,美国的橄榄球运动是大、中学校里最流行的体育运动项目。大学通常以提供奖学金和免费吃饭住宿的诱惑,鼓励打得好的高中橄榄球运动员参与。橄榄球比赛备受欢迎,所以各大学常能用橄榄球比赛的售票收入来填补学校各项体育运动的费用。美国所有较大的城市几乎都有职业橄榄球队,其运动员大多数是原来的大学橄榄球运动员。通常,职业橄榄球比赛的观众人数比大学橄榄球比赛的还要多,这是因为职业运动员势必要艺高技胜一筹。大学橄榄球比赛通常在星期六下午进行,而职业橄榄球比赛常常在星期日的下午或晚上举行。美国体育运动排名:美式橄榄球,美式橄榄球是19世纪里从英国足球演变出来的。它是美国最受欢迎的一种体育运动,每年有上千球员和上百万观众。尤其高校的球队的比赛为著名。今天美国有600多个高校球队,每年有3500万以上观众。美国橄榄球联盟是美式橄榄球的最重要的协会。其比赛的高潮是每个赛季结束时的夺取冠军的超级杯比赛。美国观众最关注的运动项目按顺序排列是:美式橄榄球 篮球 棒球 冰球,然后他们还喜欢拳击 网球 高尔夫球,他们也自己玩的赛车,还有赛马的,游泳和体操在美国也很流行。在最开始橄榄球运动所使用的球是用猪的膀胱经太阳晒干后吹涨来使用,它的形体呈椭圆球形,和别的足球的圆球形不一样,因此也增加了球滚动时的不确定性,这特点也是这项运动很吸引人的地方。1851年,拉格比学校门口的皮鞋商Gilbert先生制造了由四块皮缝合的椭圆形球参加伦敦博览会展示,从此英国所有的球队开始使用Gilbert先生制作的四块皮缝合的椭圆形球了。后来传入华人地区,才因球的形状似橄榄为由,所以将?橄榄球?作为他的中文称呼。但在英语中,并没有这样称呼。